Brett Stoehr

Vice President

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Responsible for executing residential, industrial, and commercial services investment opportunities, and working closely with external partners and the broader Unity team to Build Better Together.

Most recently Associate at CenterOak Partners on the Investment Team. Thankful for the excellent management teams and investment professionals who taught me so many lessons about life and investing. Prior to joining CenterOak Partners in 2018, Investment Banking Analyst at Piper Sandler.

MBA from The Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, with honors; BBA in Finance from Texas A&M University, summa cum laude

First job ever

I worked in residential renovation and construction during high school.  After Hurricane Ike hit Houston in 2009, my uncle moved to Texas to start a residential renovation business.  We started with rebuilding and painting fences knocked down during the hurricane, then expanded into hardwood door renovations, internal and external painting, pressure washing, and construction.

Most likely to spend a spare hour

Working out, reading a book, drinking coffee, grabbing a meal with friends, writing, or listening to a podcast.  There are so many interesting and amazing ways to spend an hour.

My favorite quote

“Collect bad wine.”  When you’re with good friends, don’t save all the good wine for a “special occasion” because you never know when it will be the last time that you’ll get to break bread with loved ones.  Cherish those moments.  After enough time with friends, the only wine left in your wine cabinet will be the bad wine.  Collect bad wine.

Where you’ll find me on a Saturday morning

Drinking coffee while reading a book and watching the sunrise followed by a workout.

Fun fact about me

I officiated a wedding in Mexico for two of my best friends, who I introduced to one another in undergrad.

Favorite workout routines

Jump rope and handstands.  Jump roping feels like dancing and handstands strengthen your entire body.

Co-Founder, CEO
Co-Founder, Chairman
Partner, Head of Propel
Team Lead
Propel Team Lead
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President Finance
Senior Associate
Sharing Time Together
Building Knowledge Together
Accelerating Executive Leadership

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For illustrative purposes only. Actual diligence process may vary based on market and company dynamics and/or other factors. There can be no assurance that the Fund will be able to implement its investment strategies, or that the fund will be able to achieve its investment objectives.